Architecture Overview
The architecture is divided into two main components: Frontend and Backend.
TradinyChart: Manages various components: Axis, Data, Render, Cache, DOM, Save, TickFormatter, SegmentTree, Drawing, Grid, Utils, Image, Interaction, Operations.
Templates: Manages layout structure.
Picker: Allows users to pick color, grid, draw tools.
Data Provider: Connects with the backend service to fetch data.
WebSocket: Facilitates communication with the backend.
External Libraries:
- D3: Used for data visualization.
- D3FC: Enhances D3 with financial charting.
- blueimp-tmpl: Used for templating.
- FastAPI WebSocket: Handles data flow and communication with the frontend.
- SQLite: Stores and manages data locally.
- Data Provider: Interfaces with external data services (e.g., BinanceProvider, PolygonProvider).
- Indicators: Process data and provide analytical insights.
- pandas_ta: Performs technical analysis computations.
- Alerts: Sends notifications. Note, it connects to the WebSocket as a client to retrieve data for alert evaluation.