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Building a Windows Application Using pyinstaller

To create the Windows application, follow these steps:

  1. Build the Frontend:

    Navigate to the frontend directory and run the following commands to install dependencies and build the frontend:

    npm install
    npm run build
  2. Copy Built Files:

    • Copy the built frontend files into the dist directory located in the backend folder:

      cp -r dist/ ../backend/
  3. Set Up the Backend:

    • Move to the backend directory. Remove existing db.sqlite3 and private_key.pem if present: rm db.sqlite3 private_key.pem.

      Initialize empty DB and private key. Simply run the script and exit (note that before running this command you need to install dependencies: pip3 install -r requirements.txt):


      You should see:

      2024-11-04 14:59:02 - INFO - DB created.
      2024-11-04 14:59:02 - INFO - New VAPID keys generated and saved.
  4. Build the Application:

    • Install PyInstaller using the command:

      pip install pyinstaller
    • Run the PyInstaller command to compile the application:

      python3 -m PyInstaller --distpath ./out --clean tradiny.spec

This will generate the Windows application in the out directory.